Source code for

import enum
import warnings
from typing import Union, Optional

import numpy as np

from import topography, grid_types
from import Topography

class GridTypes(enum.Enum):
    REGULAR = 0
    CUSTOM = 1
    SECTIONS = 3
    CENTERED = 4

[docs] class Grid(object): """ Class to generate grids. This class is used to create points to evaluate the geological model. This class serves a container which transmits the XYZ coordinates to the interpolator. There are several type of grid objects feeding into the Grid class Args: **kwargs: See below Keyword Args: regular (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.RegularGrid`): [s0] custom (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.CustomGrid`): [s1] topography (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.Topography`): [s2] sections (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.Sections`): [s3] gravity (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.Gravity`): Attributes: values (np.ndarray): coordinates where the model is going to be evaluated. This is the coordinates concatenation of all active grids. values_r (np.ndarray): rescaled coordinates where the model is going to be evaluated length (np.ndarray):I a array which contain the slicing index for each grid type in order. The first element will be 0, the second the length of the regular grid; the third custom and so on. This can be used to slice the solutions correspondent to each of the grids grid_types(np.ndarray[str]): names of the current grids of GemPy active_grids_bool(np.ndarray[bool]): boolean array which controls which type of grid is going to be computed and hence on the property `values`. regular_grid (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.RegularGrid`) custom_grid (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.CustomGrid`) topography (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.Topography`) sections (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.Sections`) gravity_grid (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types.Gravity`) """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.values = np.empty((0, 3)) self.values_r = np.empty((0, 3)) self.length = np.empty(0) self.grid_types = np.array(['regular', 'custom', 'topography', 'sections', 'centered']) self.active_grids_bool = np.zeros(5, dtype=bool) # All grid types must have values # Init optional grids self.custom_grid = None self.custom_grid_grid_active = False self.topography: Optional[Topography] = None self.topography_grid_active = False self.sections_grid_active = False self.centered_grid = None self.centered_grid_active = False # Init basic grid empty self.regular_grid = self.create_regular_grid(set_active=False, **kwargs) self.regular_grid_active = False # Init optional sections self.sections = grid_types.Sections(regular_grid=self.regular_grid) self.update_grid_values()
def __str__(self): grid_summary = [f"{g_type} (active: {getattr(self, g_type + '_grid_active')}): {len(getattr(self, g_type + '_grid').values)} points" for g_type in self.grid_types] grid_summary_str = "\n".join(grid_summary) return f"Grid Object:\n{grid_summary_str}" @property def active_grids(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.grid_types[self.active_grids_bool]
[docs] def create_regular_grid(self, extent=None, resolution=None, set_active=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Set a new regular grid and activate it. Args: extent (np.ndarray): [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max] resolution (np.ndarray): [nx, ny, nz] RegularGrid Docs """ self.regular_grid = grid_types.RegularGrid(extent, resolution, **kwargs) if set_active is True: self.set_active('regular') return self.regular_grid
[docs] def create_custom_grid(self, custom_grid: np.ndarray): """ Set a new regular grid and activate it. Args: custom_grid (np.array): [s0] """ self.custom_grid = grid_types.CustomGrid(custom_grid) self.set_active('custom')
# ! (miguel, Sep 2023) This has to change a lot
[docs] def create_topography(self, source='random', **kwargs): """Create a topography grid and activate it. Args: source: * 'gdal': Load topography from a raster file. * 'random': Generate random topography (based on a fractal grid). * 'saved': Load topography that was saved with the function. This is useful after loading and saving a heavy raster file with gdal once or after saving a random topography with the save() function. This .npy file can then be set as topography. Keyword Args: source = 'gdal': * filepath: path to raster file, e.g. '.tif', (for all file formats see source = 'random': * fd: fractal dimension, defaults to 2.0 * d_z: maximum height difference. If none, last 20% of the model in z direction * extent: extent in xy direction. If none, geo_model.grid.extent * resolution: desired resolution of the topography array. If none, geo_model.grid.resoution source = 'saved': * filepath: path to the .npy file that was created using the function Returns: """ self.topography = topography.Topography(self.regular_grid) if source == 'random': self.topography.load_random_hills(**kwargs) elif source == 'gdal': filepath = kwargs.get('filepath', None) if filepath is not None: self.topography.load_from_gdal(filepath) else: print('to load a raster file, a path to the file must be provided') elif source == 'saved': filepath = kwargs.get('filepath', None) if filepath is not None: self.topography.load_from_saved(filepath) else: print('path to .npy file must be provided') elif source == 'numpy': array = kwargs.get('array', None) self.topography.set_values(array) else: raise AttributeError('source must be random, gdal or saved') self.set_active('topography')
def create_section_grid(self, section_dict): self.sections = grid_types.Sections(regular_grid=self.regular_grid, section_dict=section_dict) self.set_active('sections') return self.sections
[docs] def create_centered_grid(self, centers, radius, resolution=None): """Initialize gravity grid. Deactivate the rest of the grids""" self.centered_grid = grid_types.CenteredGrid(centers, radius, resolution) # self.active_grids = np.zeros(4, dtype=bool) self.set_active('centered')
[docs] def deactivate_all_grids(self): """ Deactivates the active grids array :return: """ self.active_grids_bool = np.zeros(5, dtype=bool) self.update_grid_values() return self.active_grids_bool
[docs] def set_active(self, grid_name: Union[str, np.ndarray]): """ Set active a given or several grids Args: grid_name (str, list): """ warnings.warn('This function is deprecated. Use gempy.set_active_grid instead', DeprecationWarning) where = self.grid_types == grid_name self.active_grids_bool[where] = True self.update_grid_values() return self.active_grids_bool
def set_inactive(self, grid_name: str): where = self.grid_types == grid_name self.active_grids_bool *= ~where self.update_grid_values() return self.active_grids_bool
[docs] def update_grid_values(self): """ Copy XYZ coordinates from each specific grid to Grid.values for those which are active. Returns: values """ self.length = np.empty(0) self.values = np.empty((0, 3)) lengths = [0] try: for e, grid_types in enumerate( [self.regular_grid, self.custom_grid, self.topography, self.sections, self.centered_grid]): if self.active_grids_bool[e]: self.values = np.vstack((self.values, grid_types.values)) lengths.append(grid_types.values.shape[0]) else: lengths.append(0) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Grid type does not exist yet. Set the grid before activating it.') self.length = np.array(lengths).cumsum() return self.values
def get_grid_args(self, grid_name: str): assert type(grid_name) is str, 'Only one grid type can be retrieved' assert grid_name in self.grid_types, 'possible grid types are ' + str(self.grid_types) where = np.where(self.grid_types == grid_name)[0][0] return self.length[where], self.length[where + 1] def get_grid(self, grid_name: str): assert type(grid_name) is str, 'Only one grid type can be retrieved' l_0, l_1 = self.get_grid_args(grid_name) return self.values[l_0:l_1] def get_section_args(self, section_name: str): # assert type(section_name) is str, 'Only one section type can be retrieved' l0, l1 = self.get_grid_args('sections') where = np.where(self.sections.names == section_name)[0][0] return l0 + self.sections.length[where], l0 + self.sections.length[where + 1]