Source code for

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional, Generator

import numpy as np

from import FaultsData
from import InputDataDescriptor
from import StackRelationType
from .orientations import OrientationsTable
from .structural_element import StructuralElement
from .structural_group import StructuralGroup, FaultsRelationSpecialCase
from .surface_points import SurfacePointsTable
from ..color_generator import ColorsGenerator

[docs] @dataclass class StructuralFrame: """ A data class that represents the structural framework of a geological model. """ structural_groups: list[StructuralGroup] #: List of structural groups that constitute the geological model. color_generator: ColorsGenerator #: Instance of ColorsGenerator used for assigning distinct colors to different structural elements. # ? Should I create some sort of structural options class? For example, the masking descriptor and faults relations pointer is_dirty: bool = True #: Boolean flag indicating if the structural frame has been modified.
[docs] def __init__(self, structural_groups: list[StructuralGroup], color_gen: ColorsGenerator): self.structural_groups = structural_groups # ? This maybe could be optional self.color_generator = color_gen
def get_element_by_name(self, element_name: str) -> StructuralElement: elements: Generator = (group.get_element_by_name(element_name) for group in self.structural_groups) valid_elements: Generator = (element for element in elements if element is not None) element = next(valid_elements, None) if element is None: raise ValueError(f"Element with name {element_name} not found in the structural frame.") return element def get_group_by_name(self, group_name: str) -> StructuralGroup: groups: Generator = (group for group in self.structural_groups if == group_name) group = next(groups, None) if group is None: raise ValueError(f"Group with name {group_name} not found in the structural frame.") return group def append_group(self, group: StructuralGroup): self.structural_groups.append(group) def insert_group(self, index: int, group: StructuralGroup): self.structural_groups.insert(index, group) @classmethod def from_data_tables(cls, surface_points: SurfacePointsTable, orientations: OrientationsTable): surface_points_groups: list[SurfacePointsTable] = surface_points.get_surface_points_by_id_groups() colors_generator = ColorsGenerator() structural_elements = [] for i in range(len(surface_points_groups)): id_ = surface_points_groups[i].id orientation_i = orientations.get_orientations_by_id(id_) if len(orientation_i) == 0: orientation_i = OrientationsTable.empty_orientation(id_) structural_element: StructuralElement = StructuralElement( name=surface_points.id_to_name(i), id=id_, surface_points=surface_points_groups[i], orientations=orientation_i, color=next(colors_generator) ) structural_elements.append(structural_element) # * Structural groups definitions default_formation: StructuralGroup = StructuralGroup( name="default_formation", elements=structural_elements, structural_relation=StackRelationType.ERODE ) # ? Should I move this to the constructor? structural_frame: StructuralFrame = cls( structural_groups=[default_formation], color_gen=colors_generator ) return structural_frame @classmethod def initialize_default_structure(cls): color_gen = ColorsGenerator() structural_group = StructuralGroup( name="default_formations", elements=[ StructuralElement( name="surface1", surface_points=SurfacePointsTable.initialize_empty(), orientations=OrientationsTable.initialize_empty(), color=next(color_gen) ) ], structural_relation=StackRelationType.ERODE ) structural_frame = cls( structural_groups=[structural_group], color_gen=color_gen ) return structural_frame def __repr__(self): structural_groups_repr = ',\n'.join([repr(g) for g in self.structural_groups]) fault_relations_str = np.array2string(self.fault_relations, precision=2, separator=', ', suppress_small=True) if self.fault_relations is not None else 'None' return (f"StructuralFrame(\n" f"\tstructural_groups=[\n{structural_groups_repr}\n],\n" f"\tfault_relations=\n{fault_relations_str},\n" ) def _repr_html_(self): structural_groups_html = '<br>'.join([g._repr_html_() for g in self.structural_groups]) if self.fault_relations is not None: # Define the colors for True and False values true_color = '#527682' false_color = '#FFB6C1' table_headers = '<th></th>' + ''.join('<th style="transform: rotate(-35deg); height:150px; vertical-align: bottom; text-align: center;">{}</th>'.format(([:10] + '...') if len( > 10 else for g in self.structural_groups) table_rows = ''.join('<tr><th>{}</th>{}</tr>'.format(self.structural_groups[i].name, ''.join('<td style="background-color: {}; width: 20px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid black;"></td>'.format(true_color if cell else false_color) for cell in row)) for i, row in enumerate(self.fault_relations)) fault_relations_str = '<table style="border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed;">{}{}</table>'.format(table_headers, table_rows) else: fault_relations_str = 'None' # Define the legend legend = f""" <table> <tr> <td><div style="display: inline-block; background-color: {true_color}; width: 20px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid black;"></div> True</td> <td><div style="display: inline-block; background-color: {false_color}; width: 20px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid black;"></div> False</td> </tr> </table> """ html = f""" <table> <tr><td>Structural Groups:</td><td>{structural_groups_html}</td></tr> <tr><td>Fault Relations:</td><td>{fault_relations_str}</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td>{legend}</td></tr> </table> """ return html @property def structural_elements(self) -> list[StructuralElement]: """Returns a list of all structural elements across the structural groups.""" elements = [] for group in self.structural_groups: elements.extend(group.elements) elements.append(self._basement_element) return elements @property def _basement_element(self) -> StructuralElement: basement = StructuralElement( name="basement", surface_points=SurfacePointsTable(data=np.zeros(0, dtype=SurfacePointsTable.dt)), orientations=OrientationsTable(data=np.zeros(0, dtype=OrientationsTable.dt)), color=self.color_generator.up_next(), ) return basement # ? Should I move this property to StructuralGroup? @property def fault_relations(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns a array describing the fault relations between the structural groups.""" # Initialize an empty boolean array with dimensions len(structural_groups) x len(structural_groups) fault_relations = np.zeros((len(self.structural_groups), len(self.structural_groups)), dtype=bool) # We assume that the list is ordered from older to younger # Iterate over the list of structural_groups for i, group in enumerate(self.structural_groups): match (group.structural_relation, group.fault_relations): case (StackRelationType.FAULT, FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_ALL): # It affects all younger groups fault_relations[i, i + 1:] = True case (StackRelationType.FAULT, FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_NONE): # It affects no groups pass case (StackRelationType.FAULT, FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_FORMATIONS): # It affects all younger groups that are formations fault_relations[i, i + 1:] = [group.structural_relation != StackRelationType.FAULT for group in self.structural_groups[i + 1:]] case (StackRelationType.FAULT, list(fault_groups)) if fault_groups: # It affects only the specified groups for fault_group in fault_groups: j = self.structural_groups.index(fault_group) if j <= i: # Only consider groups that are raise ValueError(f"Fault {} cannot affect older fault {}") case (StackRelationType.FAULT, _): raise ValueError(f"Fault {} has an invalid fault relation") case _: pass # If not a fault or fault relation is not specified, do nothing return fault_relations @fault_relations.setter def fault_relations(self, matrix: np.ndarray): """Sets the fault relations between structural groups using the provided matrix.""" assert matrix.shape == (len(self.structural_groups), len(self.structural_groups)) # Iterate over each StructuralGroup for i, group in enumerate(self.structural_groups): affected_groups = matrix[i, :] # * If the group is a fault # If all younger groups are affected all_younger_groups_affected = np.all(affected_groups[i + 1:]) any_younger_groups_affected = np.any(affected_groups[i + 1:]) if all_younger_groups_affected: group.fault_relations = FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_ALL group.structural_relation = StackRelationType.FAULT elif not any_younger_groups_affected: group.fault_relations = FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_NONE else: # * A specific set of groups are affected group.fault_relations = [g for j, g in enumerate(self.structural_groups) if affected_groups[j]] group.structural_relation = StackRelationType.FAULT @property def input_data_descriptor(self): """Returns a descriptor for the input data, detailing the relations and faults between groups.""" # TODO: This should have the exact same dirty logic as interpolation_input self._validate_faults_relations() return InputDataDescriptor.from_structural_frame( structural_frame=self, making_descriptor=self.groups_structural_relation, faults_relations=self.fault_relations, faults_input_data=self.faults_input_data ) @property def faults_input_data(self): """Returns a descriptor for the input data, detailing the relations and faults between groups.""" faults_input_data: list[FaultsData] = [group.faults_input_data for group in self.structural_groups] return faults_input_data @property def groups_structural_relation(self) -> list[StackRelationType]: """Returns a list of the structural relations for each group.""" groups_ = [group.structural_relation for group in self.structural_groups] groups_[-1] = StackRelationType.BASEMENT return groups_ @property def number_of_points_per_element(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns an array with the number of points for each structural element.""" return np.array([element.number_of_points for element in self.structural_elements]) @property def number_of_points_per_group(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns an array with the number of points for each structural group.""" return np.array([group.number_of_points for group in self.structural_groups]) @property def number_of_orientations_per_group(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns an array with the number of orientations for each structural group.""" return np.array([group.number_of_orientations for group in self.structural_groups]) @property def number_of_elements_per_group(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns an array with the number of elements for each structural group.""" return np.array([group.number_of_elements for group in self.structural_groups]) @property def surfaces(self) -> list[StructuralElement]: """Returns a list of all surfaces in the structural elements.""" return self.structural_elements @property def number_of_elements(self) -> int: """Returns the total number of elements in the structural frame.""" return len(self.structural_elements) @property def elements_names(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of names of all structural elements.""" return [ for element in self.structural_elements] @property def elements_ids(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns an array of IDs for all structural elements.""" return np.arange(len(self.structural_elements)) + 1 @property def surface_points(self) -> SurfacePointsTable: """Returns a SurfacePointsTable for all surface points across the structural elements. This is a copy!""" all_data: np.ndarray = np.concatenate([ for element in self.structural_elements]) return SurfacePointsTable(data=all_data, name_id_map=self.element_name_id_map) @surface_points.setter def surface_points(self, modified_surface_points: SurfacePointsTable) -> None: """Distributes the modified surface points back to the structural elements.""" start = 0 for element in self.structural_elements: length = len( =[start:start + length] start += length @property def orientations(self) -> OrientationsTable: """Returns an OrientationsTable for all orientations across the structural elements.""" all_data: np.ndarray = np.concatenate([ for element in self.structural_elements]) return OrientationsTable(data=all_data) @orientations.setter def orientations(self, modified_orientations: OrientationsTable) -> None: """Distributes the modified orientations back to the structural elements.""" start = 0 for element in self.structural_elements: length = len( =[start:start + length] start += length @property def element_id_name_map(self) -> dict[int, str]: """Returns a dictionary mapping element IDs to names.""" return { for i, element in enumerate(self.structural_elements)} @property def element_name_id_map(self) -> dict[str, int]: """Returns a dictionary mapping element names to IDs.""" return { for i, element in enumerate(self.structural_elements)} @property def elements_colors(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of colors assigned to each structural element. Used in matplotlib""" # reversed return [element.color for element in self.structural_elements][::-1] @property def elements_colors_volumes(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of colors assigned to each structural element for volume representation. Used in pyvista""" return self.elements_colors @property def elements_colors_contacts(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of colors assigned to each structural element for contact representation. Used in many places""" points_ = [element.color for element in self.structural_elements if len(element.surface_points) > 0] return points_ @property def elements_colors_orientations(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of colors assigned to each structural element for orientation representation. Used to paint orientations in pyvista """ orientations_ = [element.color for element in self.structural_elements if len(element.orientations) > 0] return orientations_ @property def surface_points_colors_per_item(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of colors assigned to each surface point across structural elements. Used in matplotlib""" surface_points_colors = [element.color for element in self.structural_elements for _ in range(element.number_of_points)] return surface_points_colors @property def orientations_colors_per_item(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of colors assigned to each orientation across structural elements. Used in matplotlib""" orientations_colors = [element.color for element in self.structural_elements for _ in range(element.number_of_orientations)] return orientations_colors @property def groups_to_mapper(self) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """Returns a dictionary mapping each structural group to its corresponding elements.""" result_dict = {} for group in self.structural_groups: element_names = [ for element in group.elements] result_dict[] = element_names return result_dict # region Depends on Pandas @property def surfaces_df(self) -> 'pd.DataFrame': """Returns a DataFrame representation of all surfaces across structural elements.""" # TODO: Loop every structural element. Each element should be a row in the dataframe # TODO: The columns have to be ['element, 'group', 'color'] raise NotImplementedError # endregion def _validate_faults_relations(self): """Check that if there are any StackRelationType.FAULT in the structural groups the fault relation matrix is given and shape is the right one, i.e. a square matrix of size equals to len(groups)""" if any([group.structural_relation == StackRelationType.FAULT for group in self.structural_groups]): if self.fault_relations is None: raise ValueError("The fault relations matrix is not given") if self.fault_relations.shape != (len(self.structural_groups), len(self.structural_groups)): raise ValueError("The fault relations matrix is not the right shape")