from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional, Generator
import numpy as np
from import FaultsData
from import InputDataDescriptor
from import StackRelationType
from .orientations import OrientationsTable
from .structural_element import StructuralElement
from .structural_group import StructuralGroup, FaultsRelationSpecialCase
from .surface_points import SurfacePointsTable
from ..color_generator import ColorsGenerator
class StructuralFrame:
A data class that represents the structural framework of a geological model.
structural_groups: list[StructuralGroup] #: List of structural groups that constitute the geological model.
color_generator: ColorsGenerator #: Instance of ColorsGenerator used for assigning distinct colors to different structural elements.
# ? Should I create some sort of structural options class? For example, the masking descriptor and faults relations pointer
is_dirty: bool = True #: Boolean flag indicating if the structural frame has been modified.
def __init__(self, structural_groups: list[StructuralGroup], color_gen: ColorsGenerator):
self.structural_groups = structural_groups # ? This maybe could be optional
self.color_generator = color_gen
def get_element_by_name(self, element_name: str) -> StructuralElement:
elements: Generator = (group.get_element_by_name(element_name) for group in self.structural_groups)
valid_elements: Generator = (element for element in elements if element is not None)
element = next(valid_elements, None)
if element is None:
raise ValueError(f"Element with name {element_name} not found in the structural frame.")
return element
def get_group_by_name(self, group_name: str) -> StructuralGroup:
groups: Generator = (group for group in self.structural_groups if == group_name)
group = next(groups, None)
if group is None:
raise ValueError(f"Group with name {group_name} not found in the structural frame.")
return group
def append_group(self, group: StructuralGroup):
def insert_group(self, index: int, group: StructuralGroup):
self.structural_groups.insert(index, group)
def from_data_tables(cls, surface_points: SurfacePointsTable, orientations: OrientationsTable):
surface_points_groups: list[SurfacePointsTable] = surface_points.get_surface_points_by_id_groups()
colors_generator = ColorsGenerator()
structural_elements = []
for i in range(len(surface_points_groups)):
id_ = surface_points_groups[i].id
orientation_i = orientations.get_orientations_by_id(id_)
if len(orientation_i) == 0:
orientation_i = OrientationsTable.empty_orientation(id_)
structural_element: StructuralElement = StructuralElement(
# * Structural groups definitions
default_formation: StructuralGroup = StructuralGroup(
# ? Should I move this to the constructor?
structural_frame: StructuralFrame = cls(
return structural_frame
def initialize_default_structure(cls):
color_gen = ColorsGenerator()
structural_group = StructuralGroup(
structural_frame = cls(
return structural_frame
def __repr__(self):
structural_groups_repr = ',\n'.join([repr(g) for g in self.structural_groups])
fault_relations_str = np.array2string(self.fault_relations, precision=2, separator=', ', suppress_small=True) if self.fault_relations is not None else 'None'
return (f"StructuralFrame(\n"
def _repr_html_(self):
structural_groups_html = '<br>'.join([g._repr_html_() for g in self.structural_groups])
if self.fault_relations is not None:
# Define the colors for True and False values
true_color = '#527682'
false_color = '#FFB6C1'
table_headers = '<th></th>' + ''.join('<th style="transform: rotate(-35deg); height:150px; vertical-align: bottom; text-align: center;">{}</th>'.format(([:10] + '...') if len( > 10 else for g in self.structural_groups)
table_rows = ''.join('<tr><th>{}</th>{}</tr>'.format(self.structural_groups[i].name, ''.join('<td style="background-color: {}; width: 20px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid black;"></td>'.format(true_color if cell else false_color) for cell in row)) for i, row in enumerate(self.fault_relations))
fault_relations_str = '<table style="border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed;">{}{}</table>'.format(table_headers, table_rows)
fault_relations_str = 'None'
# Define the legend
legend = f"""
<td><div style="display: inline-block; background-color: {true_color}; width: 20px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid black;"></div> True</td>
<td><div style="display: inline-block; background-color: {false_color}; width: 20px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid black;"></div> False</td>
html = f"""
<tr><td>Structural Groups:</td><td>{structural_groups_html}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Fault Relations:</td><td>{fault_relations_str}</td></tr>
return html
def structural_elements(self) -> list[StructuralElement]:
"""Returns a list of all structural elements across the structural groups."""
elements = []
for group in self.structural_groups:
return elements
def _basement_element(self) -> StructuralElement:
basement = StructuralElement(
surface_points=SurfacePointsTable(data=np.zeros(0, dtype=SurfacePointsTable.dt)),
orientations=OrientationsTable(data=np.zeros(0, dtype=OrientationsTable.dt)),
return basement
# ? Should I move this property to StructuralGroup?
def fault_relations(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns a array describing the fault relations between the structural groups."""
# Initialize an empty boolean array with dimensions len(structural_groups) x len(structural_groups)
fault_relations = np.zeros((len(self.structural_groups), len(self.structural_groups)), dtype=bool)
# We assume that the list is ordered from older to younger
# Iterate over the list of structural_groups
for i, group in enumerate(self.structural_groups):
match (group.structural_relation, group.fault_relations):
case (StackRelationType.FAULT, FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_ALL): # It affects all younger groups
fault_relations[i, i + 1:] = True
case (StackRelationType.FAULT, FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_NONE): # It affects no groups
case (StackRelationType.FAULT, FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_FORMATIONS): # It affects all younger groups that are formations
fault_relations[i, i + 1:] = [group.structural_relation != StackRelationType.FAULT for group in self.structural_groups[i + 1:]]
case (StackRelationType.FAULT, list(fault_groups)) if fault_groups: # It affects only the specified groups
for fault_group in fault_groups:
j = self.structural_groups.index(fault_group)
if j <= i: # Only consider groups that are
raise ValueError(f"Fault {} cannot affect older fault {}")
case (StackRelationType.FAULT, _):
raise ValueError(f"Fault {} has an invalid fault relation")
case _:
pass # If not a fault or fault relation is not specified, do nothing
return fault_relations
def fault_relations(self, matrix: np.ndarray):
"""Sets the fault relations between structural groups using the provided matrix."""
assert matrix.shape == (len(self.structural_groups), len(self.structural_groups))
# Iterate over each StructuralGroup
for i, group in enumerate(self.structural_groups):
affected_groups = matrix[i, :] # * If the group is a fault
# If all younger groups are affected
all_younger_groups_affected = np.all(affected_groups[i + 1:])
any_younger_groups_affected = np.any(affected_groups[i + 1:])
if all_younger_groups_affected:
group.fault_relations = FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_ALL
group.structural_relation = StackRelationType.FAULT
elif not any_younger_groups_affected:
group.fault_relations = FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_NONE
else: # * A specific set of groups are affected
group.fault_relations = [g for j, g in enumerate(self.structural_groups) if affected_groups[j]]
group.structural_relation = StackRelationType.FAULT
def input_data_descriptor(self):
"""Returns a descriptor for the input data, detailing the relations and faults between groups."""
# TODO: This should have the exact same dirty logic as interpolation_input
return InputDataDescriptor.from_structural_frame(
def faults_input_data(self):
"""Returns a descriptor for the input data, detailing the relations and faults between groups."""
faults_input_data: list[FaultsData] = [group.faults_input_data for group in self.structural_groups]
return faults_input_data
def groups_structural_relation(self) -> list[StackRelationType]:
"""Returns a list of the structural relations for each group."""
groups_ = [group.structural_relation for group in self.structural_groups]
groups_[-1] = StackRelationType.BASEMENT
return groups_
def number_of_points_per_element(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns an array with the number of points for each structural element."""
return np.array([element.number_of_points for element in self.structural_elements])
def number_of_points_per_group(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns an array with the number of points for each structural group."""
return np.array([group.number_of_points for group in self.structural_groups])
def number_of_orientations_per_group(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns an array with the number of orientations for each structural group."""
return np.array([group.number_of_orientations for group in self.structural_groups])
def number_of_elements_per_group(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns an array with the number of elements for each structural group."""
return np.array([group.number_of_elements for group in self.structural_groups])
def surfaces(self) -> list[StructuralElement]:
"""Returns a list of all surfaces in the structural elements."""
return self.structural_elements
def number_of_elements(self) -> int:
"""Returns the total number of elements in the structural frame."""
return len(self.structural_elements)
def elements_names(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns a list of names of all structural elements."""
return [ for element in self.structural_elements]
def elements_ids(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns an array of IDs for all structural elements."""
return np.arange(len(self.structural_elements)) + 1
def surface_points(self) -> SurfacePointsTable:
"""Returns a SurfacePointsTable for all surface points across the structural elements. This is a copy!"""
all_data: np.ndarray = np.concatenate([ for element in self.structural_elements])
return SurfacePointsTable(data=all_data, name_id_map=self.element_name_id_map)
def surface_points(self, modified_surface_points: SurfacePointsTable) -> None:
"""Distributes the modified surface points back to the structural elements."""
start = 0
for element in self.structural_elements:
length = len( =[start:start + length]
start += length
def orientations(self) -> OrientationsTable:
"""Returns an OrientationsTable for all orientations across the structural elements."""
all_data: np.ndarray = np.concatenate([ for element in self.structural_elements])
return OrientationsTable(data=all_data)
def orientations(self, modified_orientations: OrientationsTable) -> None:
"""Distributes the modified orientations back to the structural elements."""
start = 0
for element in self.structural_elements:
length = len( =[start:start + length]
start += length
def element_id_name_map(self) -> dict[int, str]:
"""Returns a dictionary mapping element IDs to names."""
return { for i, element in enumerate(self.structural_elements)}
def element_name_id_map(self) -> dict[str, int]:
"""Returns a dictionary mapping element names to IDs."""
return { for i, element in enumerate(self.structural_elements)}
def elements_colors(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns a list of colors assigned to each structural element. Used in matplotlib"""
# reversed
return [element.color for element in self.structural_elements][::-1]
def elements_colors_volumes(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns a list of colors assigned to each structural element for volume representation. Used in pyvista"""
return self.elements_colors
def elements_colors_contacts(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns a list of colors assigned to each structural element for contact representation. Used in many places"""
points_ = [element.color for element in self.structural_elements if len(element.surface_points) > 0]
return points_
def elements_colors_orientations(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns a list of colors assigned to each structural element for orientation representation. Used to paint
orientations in pyvista
orientations_ = [element.color for element in self.structural_elements if len(element.orientations) > 0]
return orientations_
def surface_points_colors_per_item(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns a list of colors assigned to each surface point across structural elements. Used in matplotlib"""
surface_points_colors = [element.color for element in self.structural_elements for _ in range(element.number_of_points)]
return surface_points_colors
def orientations_colors_per_item(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns a list of colors assigned to each orientation across structural elements. Used in matplotlib"""
orientations_colors = [element.color for element in self.structural_elements for _ in range(element.number_of_orientations)]
return orientations_colors
def groups_to_mapper(self) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
"""Returns a dictionary mapping each structural group to its corresponding elements."""
result_dict = {}
for group in self.structural_groups:
element_names = [ for element in group.elements]
result_dict[] = element_names
return result_dict
# region Depends on Pandas
def surfaces_df(self) -> 'pd.DataFrame':
"""Returns a DataFrame representation of all surfaces across structural elements."""
# TODO: Loop every structural element. Each element should be a row in the dataframe
# TODO: The columns have to be ['element, 'group', 'color']
raise NotImplementedError
# endregion
def _validate_faults_relations(self):
"""Check that if there are any StackRelationType.FAULT in the structural groups the fault relation matrix is
given and shape is the right one, i.e. a square matrix of size equals to len(groups)"""
if any([group.structural_relation == StackRelationType.FAULT for group in self.structural_groups]):
if self.fault_relations is None:
raise ValueError("The fault relations matrix is not given")
if self.fault_relations.shape != (len(self.structural_groups), len(self.structural_groups)):
raise ValueError("The fault relations matrix is not the right shape")