Source code for
from dataclasses import field
from typing import List
import numpy as np
from gempy_engine.config import SET_RAW_ARRAYS_IN_SOLUTION
from .dual_contouring_mesh import DualContouringMesh
from .octree_level import OctreeLevel
from .raw_arrays_solution import RawArraysSolution
class Solutions:
octrees_output: List[OctreeLevel]
dc_meshes: List[DualContouringMesh]
_raw_arrays: RawArraysSolution = field(init=False)
# ------
gravity: np.ndarray = None
magnetics: np.ndarray = None
debug_input_data: dict = {}
def __init__(self, octrees_output: List[OctreeLevel], dc_meshes: List[DualContouringMesh] = None, fw_gravity: np.ndarray = None):
self.octrees_output = octrees_output
self.dc_meshes = dc_meshes
self.gravity = fw_gravity
if SET_RAW_ARRAYS_IN_SOLUTION: # * This can add an unnecessary overhead
self._raw_arrays = RawArraysSolution.from_gempy_engine_solutions(
def __repr__(self):
return f"Solutions({len(self.octrees_output)} Octree Levels, {len(self.dc_meshes)} DualContouringMeshes)"
def _repr_html_(self):
return f"<b>Solutions:</b> {len(self.octrees_output)} Octree Levels, {len(self.dc_meshes)} DualContouringMeshes"
# def __repr__(self):
# return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.octrees_output})"
def raw_arrays(self):
return self._raw_arrays
def meshes_to_unstruct(self) -> "subsurface.UnstructuredData":
meshes = self.dc_meshes
import subsurface
import pandas as pd
n_meshes = len(meshes)
vertex_array = np.concatenate([meshes[i].vertices for i in range(n_meshes)])
simplex_array = np.concatenate([meshes[i].edges for i in range(n_meshes)])
# * Prepare the simplex array
simplex_array = meshes[0].edges
for i in range(1, n_meshes):
adder = np.max(meshes[i - 1].edges) + 1
add_mesh = meshes[i].edges + adder
simplex_array = np.append(simplex_array, add_mesh, axis=0)
# * Prepare the cells_attr array
ids_array = np.ones(simplex_array.shape[0])
l0 = 0
id = 1
for mesh in meshes:
l1 = l0 + mesh.edges.shape[0]
ids_array[l0:l1] = id
l0 = l1
id += 1
# * Create the unstructured data
unstructured_data = subsurface.UnstructuredData.from_array(
cells_attr=pd.DataFrame(ids_array, columns=['id'])
# TODO: We have to create an array with the shape of simplex array with the id of each simplex
return unstructured_data