Model 5 - FaultΒΆ

This script demonstrates how to create a simple fault model with constant offset using GemPy, a Python-based, open-source library for implicit geological modeling.

# Import necessary libraries
import gempy as gp
import gempy_viewer as gpv
import numpy as np
from import StackRelationType

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2

Generate the model Define the path to data

data_path = ''
path_to_data = data_path + "/data/input_data/jan_models/"
# Create a GeoModel instance
data = gp.create_geomodel(
    extent=[0, 1000, 0, 1000, 0, 1000],
        path_to_orientations=path_to_data + "model5_orientations.csv",
        path_to_surface_points=path_to_data + "model5_surface_points.csv"
# Map geological series to surfaces
        "Fault_Series": 'fault',
        "Strat_Series": ('rock2', 'rock1')
# Define fault groups
data.structural_frame.structural_groups[0].structural_relation = StackRelationType.FAULT
data.structural_frame.fault_relations = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
# Compute the geological model
geo_data = data
Surface points hash:  8fe9250462c3e65080818a84d29925378664f6be46301dcdb42ed4047aa3fe6f
Orientations hash:  58d1d28be0c52dfdcedf36c9adc3b231e67d6923554159d6484dba589b0bfc5e
Setting Backend To: AvailableBackends.numpy
/home/leguark/gempy/gempy/core/data/ UserWarning: You are using refinement and passing a regular grid. The resolution of the regular grid will be overwritten

Plot the initial geological model in the y direction

gpv.plot_2d(geo_data, direction=['y'], show_results=False)
Cell Number: mid Direction: y
<gempy_viewer.modules.plot_2d.visualization_2d.Plot2D object at 0x7f08f20e34c0>
# Plot the result of the model in the x and y direction with data
gpv.plot_2d(geo_data, direction='y', show_data=True)
gpv.plot_2d(geo_data, direction='x', show_data=True)

gpv.plot_3d(geo_data, show_data=True, show_boundaries=True, show_lith=False)
e05 fault
  • Cell Number: mid Direction: y
  • Cell Number: mid Direction: x
< object at 0x7f08f51fb0a0>

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.535 seconds)

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