Source code for gempy.API.initialization_API

import warnings
from typing import Union, Hashable

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray

from gempy.API.io_API import read_surface_points, read_orientations
from import InterpolationOptions
from import RegularGrid
from ..optional_dependencies import require_subsurface
from import StructuralElement
from import GeoModel
from import Grid
from import ImporterHelper
from import OrientationsTable
from import StructuralFrame
from import SurfacePointsTable
from ..optional_dependencies import require_pooch

[docs] def create_geomodel( *, project_name: str = 'default_project', extent: Union[list, ndarray] = None, resolution: Union[list, ndarray] = None, refinement: int = 1, structural_frame: StructuralFrame = None, importer_helper: ImporterHelper = None, ) -> GeoModel: # ? Do I need to pass pandas read kwargs? """ Initializes and returns a GeoModel instance with specified parameters. Args: project_name (str, optional): The name of the project. Defaults to 'default_project'. extent (Union[List, np.ndarray], optional): The 3D extent of the grid. Must be provided if resolution is specified. Defaults to None. resolution (Union[List, np.ndarray], optional): The resolution of the grid. If None, an octree grid will be initialized. Defaults to None. refinement (int, optional): The level of refinement for the octree grid. Defaults to 1. structural_frame (StructuralFrame, optional): The structural frame of the GeoModel. Either this or importer_helper must be provided. Defaults to None. importer_helper (ImporterHelper, optional): Helper object for importing structural elements. Either this or structural_frame must be provided. Defaults to None. Returns: GeoModel: The initialized GeoModel object. Raises: ValueError: If neither structural_frame nor importer_helper is provided. """ # init resolutions well if resolution is None: grid: Grid = Grid.init_octree_grid( extent=extent, octree_levels=refinement ) else: grid: Grid = Grid.init_dense_grid( extent=extent, resolution=resolution ) interpolation_options: InterpolationOptions = InterpolationOptions( range=1.7, c_o=10, mesh_extraction=True, number_octree_levels=refinement, ) match (structural_frame, importer_helper): case (None, None): # ? For now my gut feeling is that is better to pass the structural frame explicitly raise ValueError("Either structural_frame or importer_helper must be provided. You can use StructuralFrame.initialize_default_structure() to create a default structural frame.") structural_frame = StructuralFrame.initialize_default_structure() case (None, _): structural_frame = _initialize_structural_frame(importer_helper) case _: pass geo_model: GeoModel = GeoModel( name=project_name, structural_frame=structural_frame, grid=grid, interpolation_options=interpolation_options ) return geo_model
def structural_elements_from_borehole_set( borehole_set: "subsurface.core.geological_formats.BoreholeSet", elements_dict: dict) -> list[StructuralElement]: """Creates a list of StructuralElements from a BoreholeSet. Args: borehole_set (subsurface.core.geological_formats.BoreholeSet): The BoreholeSet object containing the boreholes. elements_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the properties of the structural elements to be created. Returns: list[StructuralElement]: A list of StructuralElement objects created from the borehole set. Raises: ValueError: If a top lithology ID specified in `elements_dict` is not found in the borehole set. """ ss = require_subsurface() borehole_set: ss.core.geological_formats.BoreholeSet elements = [] component_lith: dict[Hashable, np.ndarray] = borehole_set.get_bottom_coords_for_each_lith() for name, properties in elements_dict.items(): top_coordinates = component_lith.get(properties['id']) if top_coordinates is None: raise ValueError(f"Top lithology {properties['id']} not found in borehole set.") element = StructuralElement( name=name, id=properties['id'], color=properties['color'], surface_points=SurfacePointsTable.from_arrays( x=top_coordinates[:, 0], y=top_coordinates[:, 1], z=top_coordinates[:, 2], names=[name], name_id_map={name: properties['id']} ), orientations=OrientationsTable(np.zeros(0, dtype=OrientationsTable.dt)) ) elements.append(element) # Reverse the list to have the oldest rocks at the bottom return elements def create_data_legacy( *, project_name: str = 'default_project', extent: Union[list, ndarray] = None, resolution: Union[list, ndarray] = None, path_i: str = None, path_o: str = None) -> GeoModel: # ? Do I need to pass pandas read kwargs? warnings.warn("This method is deprecated. Use create_geomodel instead.", DeprecationWarning) return create_geomodel( project_name=project_name, extent=extent, resolution=resolution, importer_helper=ImporterHelper( path_to_surface_points=path_i, path_to_orientations=path_o ) ) def _initialize_structural_frame(importer_helper: ImporterHelper) -> StructuralFrame: surface_points, orientations = _read_input_points(importer_helper) return StructuralFrame.from_data_tables(surface_points, orientations) def _read_input_points(importer_helper: ImporterHelper) -> (SurfacePointsTable, OrientationsTable): orientations_file, surface_points_file = _fetch_data_with_pooch( orientations_hash=importer_helper.hash_orientations, orientations_path=importer_helper.path_to_orientations, surface_points_hash=importer_helper.hash_surface_points, surface_points_path=importer_helper.path_to_surface_points ) surface_points: SurfacePointsTable = read_surface_points( path=surface_points_file, coord_x_name=importer_helper.coord_x_name, coord_y_name=importer_helper.coord_y_name, coord_z_name=importer_helper.coord_z_name, surface_name=importer_helper.surface_name, pandas_kwargs=importer_helper.pandas_reader_kwargs ) orientations: OrientationsTable = read_orientations( path=orientations_file, coord_x_name=importer_helper.coord_x_name, coord_y_name=importer_helper.coord_y_name, coord_z_name=importer_helper.coord_z_name, surface_name=importer_helper.surface_name, gx_name=importer_helper.gx_name, gy_name=importer_helper.gy_name, gz_name=importer_helper.gz_name, pandas_kwargs=importer_helper.pandas_reader_kwargs, name_id_map=surface_points.name_id_map ) return surface_points, orientations def _fetch_data_with_pooch(orientations_hash, orientations_path, surface_points_hash, surface_points_path): def is_url(url): from urllib.parse import urlparse try: result = urlparse(url) return all([result.scheme, result.netloc]) except ValueError: return False pooch = require_pooch() if is_url(surface_points_path) or is_url(orientations_path) else None # * Fetch or define path for surface points if is_url(surface_points_path): surface_points_file = pooch.retrieve( url=surface_points_path, known_hash=surface_points_hash ) print("Surface points hash: ", pooch.file_hash(surface_points_file)) else: surface_points_file = surface_points_path # * Fetch or define path for orientations if is_url(orientations_path): orientations_file = pooch.retrieve( url=orientations_path, known_hash=orientations_hash ) print("Orientations hash: ", pooch.file_hash(orientations_file)) else: orientations_file = orientations_path return orientations_file, surface_points_file