import enum
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict, field
import gempy_engine.config
from .evaluation_options import MeshExtractionMaskingOptions, EvaluationOptions
from .temp_interpolation_values import TempInterpolationValues
from ..kernel_classes.kernel_functions import AvailableKernelFunctions
from .kernel_options import KernelOptions
from ..raw_arrays_solution import RawArraysSolution
class InterpolationOptions:
__slots__ = ['kernel_options', 'evaluation_options', 'temp_interpolation_values', 'debug',
'cache_mode', 'cache_model_name', 'block_solutions_type', 'sigmoid_slope']
class CacheMode(enum.Enum):
""" Cache mode for the interpolation"""
NO_CACHE: int = #: No cache at all even during the interpolation computation. This is quite expensive for no good reason.
# @off
kernel_options: KernelOptions # * This is the compression of the fields above and the way to go in the future
evaluation_options: EvaluationOptions
temp_interpolation_values: TempInterpolationValues
debug: bool
cache_mode: CacheMode
cache_model_name: str # : Model name for the cache
block_solutions_type: RawArraysSolution.BlockSolutionType
sigmoid_slope: int
debug_water_tight: bool = False
def __init__(
range: int | float,
c_o: float,
uni_degree: int = 1,
i_res: float = 4,
gi_res: float = 2, # ! This should be DEP
number_dimensions: int = 3, # ? This probably too
number_octree_levels: int = 1,
kernel_function: AvailableKernelFunctions = AvailableKernelFunctions.cubic,
mesh_extraction: bool = True,
compute_scalar_gradient: bool = False,
compute_condition_number: bool = False,
self.kernel_options = KernelOptions(
self.evaluation_options = EvaluationOptions(
self.temp_interpolation_values = TempInterpolationValues()
self.debug = gempy_engine.config.DEBUG_MODE
self.cache_mode = InterpolationOptions.CacheMode.IN_MEMORY_CACHE
self.cache_model_name = ""
self.block_solutions_type = RawArraysSolution.BlockSolutionType.OCTREE
self.sigmoid_slope = 50_000
# @on
def __repr__(self):
return f"InterpolationOptions({', '.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in asdict(self).items())})"
def _repr_html_(self):
html = f"""
<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'><b>InterpolationOptions</b></td></tr>
{''.join(f'<tr><td>{k}</td><td>{v._repr_html_() if isinstance(v, KernelOptions) else v}</td></tr>' for k, v in asdict(self).items())}
return html
def update_options(self, **kwargs):
Updates the options of the class based on the provided keyword arguments.
kernel_options (KernelOptions, optional): Options for the kernel. Default is None.
number_octree_levels (int, optional): Number of octree levels. Default is 1.
current_octree_level (int, optional): Current octree level. Default is 0.
compute_scalar_gradient (bool, optional): Whether to compute the scalar gradient. Default is False.
dual_contouring (bool, optional): Whether to use dual contouring. Default is True.
mesh_extraction_masking_options (MeshExtractionMaskingOptions, optional): Options for dual contouring masking.
evalution_options.mesh_extraction_fancy (bool, optional): Fancy version of dual contouring. Default is True.
debug (bool, optional): Debug mode status. Default is derived from config.
debug_water_tight (bool, optional): Debug mode for water-tight conditions. Default is False.
tensor_dtype (str, optional): Data type for tensors. Default is derived from config.
Warning: If a provided keyword is not a recognized attribute.
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(self, key): # checks if the attribute exists
setattr(self, key, value) # sets the attribute to the provided value
warnings.warn(f"{key} is not a recognized attribute and will be ignored.")
def number_octree_levels(self):
return self.evaluation_options.number_octree_levels
def number_octree_levels(self, value):
warnings.warn("The number_octree_levels attribute is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use"
"evaluation_options.number_octree_levels instead.", DeprecationWarning)
self.evaluation_options.number_octree_levels = value
def mesh_extraction(self):
return self.evaluation_options.mesh_extraction
def mesh_extraction(self, value):
"The mesh_extraction attribute is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use"
"evaluation_options.mesh_extraction instead.", DeprecationWarning)
self.evaluation_options.mesh_extraction = value
def compute_corners(self):
is_not_last_octree = (self.is_last_octree_level is False)
is_dual_contouring = self.mesh_extraction
is_octree_for_surfaces = self.temp_interpolation_values.current_octree_level + 1 == self.number_octree_levels_surface
is_dual_contouring_and_octree_is_for_surfaces = is_dual_contouring and is_octree_for_surfaces
compute_corners = is_dual_contouring_and_octree_is_for_surfaces or is_not_last_octree
return compute_corners
def compute_scalar_gradient(self):
return self.evaluation_options.compute_scalar_gradient
def compute_scalar_gradient(self, value):
warnings.warn("The compute_scalar_gradient attribute is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use"
"evaluation_options.compute_scalar_gradient instead.", DeprecationWarning)
self.evaluation_options.compute_scalar_gradient = value
def is_last_octree_level(self) -> bool:
return self.temp_interpolation_values.current_octree_level == self.number_octree_levels - 1
def range(self):
return self.kernel_options.range
def c_o(self):
return self.kernel_options.c_o
def uni_degree(self):
return self.kernel_options.uni_degree
def uni_degree(self, value):
warnings.warn("The uni_degree attribute is deprecated and will be removed in the future. ", DeprecationWarning)
self.kernel_options.uni_degree = value
def i_res(self):
return self.kernel_options.i_res
def i_res(self, value):
warnings.warn("The i_res attribute is deprecated and will be removed in the future. ", DeprecationWarning)
self.kernel_options.i_res = value
def gi_res(self):
return self.kernel_options.gi_res
def gi_res(self, value):
warnings.warn("The gi_res attribute is deprecated and will be removed in the future. ", DeprecationWarning)
self.kernel_options.gi_res = value
def number_dimensions(self):
return self.kernel_options.number_dimensions
def kernel_function(self):
return self.kernel_options.kernel_function
def kernel_function(self, value):
warnings.warn("The kernel_function attribute is deprecated and will be removed in the future. ", DeprecationWarning)
self.kernel_options.kernel_function = value
def n_uni_eq(self):
return self.kernel_options.n_uni_eq
def number_octree_levels_surface(self):
return self.evaluation_options.number_octree_levels_surface
def number_octree_levels_surface(self, value):
warnings.warn("The number_octree_levels_surface attribute is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use"
"evaluation_options.number_octree_levels_surface instead."
, DeprecationWarning)
self.evaluation_options.number_octree_levels_surface = value
def evaluation_chunk_size(self):
return self.evaluation_options.evaluation_chunk_size