2.1 - Only Pyro

Model definition

Same problem as before, let’s assume the observations are layer thickness measurements taken on an outcrop. Now, in the previous example we chose a prior for the mean arbitrarily: \(𝜇∼Normal(mu=10.0, sigma=5.0)\)–something that made sense for these specific data set. If we do not have any further information, keeping an uninformative prior and let the data to dictate the final value of the inference is the sensible way forward. However, this also enable to add information to the system by setting informative priors.

Imagine we get a borehole with the tops of the two interfaces of interest. Each of this data point will be a random variable itself since the accuracy of the exact 3D location will be always limited. Notice that this two data points refer to depth not to thickness–the unit of the rest of the observations. Therefore, the first step would be to perform a transformation of the parameters into the observations space. Naturally in this example a simple subtraction will suffice.

Now we can define the probabilistic models:

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Importing Necessary Libraries

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
import torch
from pyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS, Predictive
from pyro.infer.inspect import get_dependencies
from gempy_probability.plot_posterior import PlotPosterior, default_red, default_blue
import arviz as az

Introduction to the Problem

In this example, we are considering layer thickness measurements taken on an outcrop as our observations. We use a probabilistic approach to model these observations, allowing for the inclusion of prior knowledge and uncertainty quantification.

# Setting the working directory for sphinx gallery
cwd = os.getcwd()
if 'examples' not in cwd:
    path_dir = os.getcwd() + '/examples/tutorials/ch5_probabilistic_modeling'
    path_dir = cwd

Defining the Observations and Model

The observations are layer thickness measurements. We define a Pyro probabilistic model that uses Normal and Gamma distributions to model the top and bottom interfaces of the layers and their respective uncertainties.

# Defining observed data
y_obs = torch.tensor([2.12])
y_obs_list = torch.tensor([2.12, 2.06, 2.08, 2.05, 2.08, 2.09, 2.19, 2.07, 2.16, 2.11, 2.13, 1.92])

# Defining the probabilistic model
def model(y_obs_list_):
    mu_top = pyro.sample(r'$\mu_{top}$', dist.Normal(3.05, 0.2))
    sigma_top = pyro.sample(r"$\sigma_{top}$", dist.Gamma(0.3, 3.0))
    y_top = pyro.sample(r"y_{top}", dist.Normal(mu_top, sigma_top), obs=torch.tensor([3.02]))

    mu_bottom = pyro.sample(r'$\mu_{bottom}$', dist.Normal(1.02, 0.2))
    sigma_bottom = pyro.sample(r'$\sigma_{bottom}$', dist.Gamma(0.3, 3.0))
    y_bottom = pyro.sample(r'y_{bottom}', dist.Normal(mu_bottom, sigma_bottom), obs=torch.tensor([1.02]))

    mu_thickness = pyro.deterministic(r'$\mu_{thickness}$', mu_top - mu_bottom)
    sigma_thickness = pyro.sample(r'$\sigma_{thickness}$', dist.Gamma(0.3, 3.0))
    y_thickness = pyro.sample(r'y_{thickness}', dist.Normal(mu_thickness, sigma_thickness), obs=y_obs_list_)

# Exploring model dependencies
dependencies = get_dependencies(model, model_args=y_obs_list[:1])

Prior Sampling

Prior sampling is performed to understand the initial distribution of the model parameters before considering the observed data.

# Prior sampling
prior = Predictive(model, num_samples=10)(y_obs_list)

Running MCMC Sampling

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling is used to sample from the posterior distribution, providing insights into the distribution of model parameters after considering the observed data.

# Running MCMC using the NUTS algorithm
nuts_kernel = NUTS(model)
mcmc = MCMC(nuts_kernel, num_samples=100, warmup_steps=20)
Warmup:   0%|          | 0/120 [00:00, ?it/s]
Warmup:   7%|6         | 8/120 [00:00, 77.84it/s, step size=2.73e-02, acc. prob=0.703]
Warmup:  13%|#3        | 16/120 [00:00, 22.78it/s, step size=1.16e-02, acc. prob=0.733]
Sample:  21%|##        | 25/120 [00:00, 34.89it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.260]
Sample:  32%|###1      | 38/120 [00:00, 54.61it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.223]
Sample:  41%|####      | 49/120 [00:00, 66.53it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.297]
Sample:  49%|####9     | 59/120 [00:01, 71.07it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.356]
Sample:  57%|#####6    | 68/120 [00:01, 71.04it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.384]
Sample:  64%|######4   | 77/120 [00:01, 71.55it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.414]
Sample:  72%|#######2  | 87/120 [00:01, 76.66it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.443]
Sample:  80%|########  | 96/120 [00:01, 77.70it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.474]
Sample:  89%|########9 | 107/120 [00:01, 85.59it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.489]
Sample:  97%|#########6| 116/120 [00:01, 81.82it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.513]
Sample: 100%|##########| 120/120 [00:01, 66.31it/s, step size=1.53e-01, acc. prob=0.529]

Posterior Predictive Sampling

After obtaining the posterior samples, we perform posterior predictive sampling. This step allows us to make predictions based on the posterior distribution.

# Sampling from the posterior predictive distribution
posterior_samples = mcmc.get_samples()
posterior_predictive = Predictive(model, posterior_samples)(y_obs_list)

Visualizing the Results

We use ArviZ, a library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models, to visualize the results of our probabilistic model.

# Creating a data object for ArviZ
data = az.from_pyro(

# Plotting trace of the sampled parameters
$\mu_{bottom}$, $\mu_{bottom}$, $\mu_{top}$, $\mu_{top}$, $\sigma_{bottom}$, $\sigma_{bottom}$, $\sigma_{thickness}$, $\sigma_{thickness}$, $\sigma_{top}$, $\sigma_{top}$
/home/leguark/.virtualenvs/gempy-geotop-pilot/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py:123: PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: gempy.-version- is an invalid version and will not be supported in a future release
/home/leguark/.virtualenvs/gempy-geotop-pilot/lib/python3.10/site-packages/arviz/data/io_pyro.py:157: UserWarning: Could not get vectorized trace, log_likelihood group will be omitted. Check your model vectorization or set log_likelihood=False

Density Plots of Posterior and Prior

Density plots provide a visual representation of the distribution of the sampled parameters. Comparing the posterior and prior distributions allows us to assess the impact of the observed data.

# Plotting density of posterior and prior distributions
    data=[data, data.prior],
    data_labels=["Posterior", "Prior"],
    colors=[default_red, default_blue],
$\mu_{bottom}$, $\mu_{top}$, $\sigma_{bottom}$, $\sigma_{thickness}$, $\sigma_{top}$

Density Plots of Posterior Predictive and Prior Predictive

These plots show the distribution of the posterior predictive and prior predictive checks. They help in evaluating the performance and validity of the probabilistic model.

# Plotting density of posterior predictive and prior predictive
    data=[data.posterior_predictive, data.prior_predictive],
    data_labels=["Posterior Predictive", "Prior Predictive"],
    colors=[default_red, default_blue],

Marginal Distribution Plots

Marginal distribution plots provide insights into the distribution of individual parameters. These plots help in understanding the uncertainty and variability in the parameter estimates.

# Creating marginal distribution plots
p = PlotPosterior(data)
p.create_figure(figsize=(9, 5), joyplot=False, marginal=True, likelihood=False)
    var_names=['$\\mu_{top}$', '$\\mu_{bottom}$'],
    marginal_kwargs={"bw": 1}
1 thickness problem

Posterior Distribution Visualization

This section provides a more detailed visualization of the posterior distributions of the parameters, integrating different aspects of the probabilistic model.

# Visualizing the posterior distributions
p = PlotPosterior(data)
p.create_figure(figsize=(9, 6), joyplot=True)
iteration = 99
    prior_var=['$\\mu_{top}$', '$\\mu_{bottom}$'],
    like_var=['$\\mu_{top}$', '$\\mu_{bottom}$'],
        "credible_interval": 0.94,
        'marginal_kwargs': {"bw": 1},
        'joint_kwargs': {"bw": 1}
/home/leguark/gempy_probability/gempy_probability/plot_posterior.py:239: UserWarning: color is redundantly defined by the 'color' keyword argument and the fmt string "bo" (-> color='b'). The keyword argument will take precedence.
  self.axjoin.plot(theta1_val, theta2_val, 'bo', ms=6, color='k')

Pair Plot of Key Parameters

Pair plots are useful to visualize the relationships and correlations between different parameters. They help in understanding how parameters influence each other in the probabilistic model.

# Creating a pair plot for selected parameters
az.plot_pair(data, divergences=False, var_names=['$\\mu_{top}$', '$\\mu_{bottom}$'])
1 thickness problem

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 5.299 seconds)

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